I've heard this term thrown around there and wondered about the benefits. I mean, I get that its all about video blogging, which is cool, I guess. But I'd have to make sure I looked all cute and had my viewing area (or rather visible area of my camera) all clean and shit before I decided to go public. hehe
These last things might be good for me though. I mean when has it ever hurt any of us to clean up and be presentable most of the day and make sure our living quarters are clean? And Lord knows my husband would be overjoyed with BOTH of these prospects!!
However, on the down side...who wants to "clean up" at 3:00 in the morning? So my time I blog would be horribly affected. Like now, its roughly 3:30am and I'm watching a movie upstairs (woke up around 2:00 and couldn't fall back to sleep) and tip tapping away at my loverly little keyboard. I guess it would give a little better insight to me, but is that what I want?
So many people use anonymity on their blogs. They refer to their children by cute nicknames, use pseudonyms for themselves, and even get their hubbies in on the game with great little bloggy pet names. I thought about doing this, but for some reason didn't.
I'm laying it all out there already by giving my weight and showing pictures of myself, and family. Would it be beneficial to my readers now, and perspective future readers to see for themselves the transformation into the skinny me? Or can that simply be shown well enough through "traditional" pictures?
Does a blog lose some of its charm when you can no longer interpret the tone of the writers words on your own, but instead now can hear for yourself?
Any thoughts from you all on this subject? Maybe if I just do a once a month "vlog" on here?
*On weight loss*
I'm doing well actually, took off a cpl lbs this week and definitely down from my all time high.
La cause principale d’un mauvais sommeil chez les femmes
10 months ago
I don't think I could ever do a video blog! LOL! My house is a disaster area (well not that bad) and I am ALWAYS in my jammies! lol But then again, I probably could do it! I'm the type of person who doesn't really care! lol
Hey I found your pounds you lost......please tell me you want them back, because they just don't work for me at all!
I know I am not an anonmmity gal either about me or my family, but vlogging, just not that sure of
OMG, vlogging???? Could you imagine the You-tube library and how it would just overload??? Nope, couldn't do it - it's hard enough for me to post pics on my traditional blog, let alone start video taping it all. And while I do NOT do the anonymous thing whatsoever [aka, kids will end of on therapist couch in adult life if they ever see my written truths], life in front of a camera just sounds horrid to me. Interested to see if you attempt one! Your new boots could come in handy!
I would love to see a monthly vlog. No cleaning necessary! I do not have the patience to do one though, it would take me 40 tries to get it right.
I *love* vlogs! It lets us hear your voice and see your mannerisms.
Just do it! LOL
Vloggin? Nope. Not for me. I don't know if I would enjoy that or even watching other people's. Hmmmm.....
you have made me ponder now the vlog debate....one I never gave much credence to....hmmmm....ohhhh and thank you so much for your comments...I'm glad you liked the video..I crack up everytime I watch it....
haha I think it might be something fun to do say once a month. I'd do it...just not on a regular basis.
I bought the cute little flip video recorder. I've used it on the kids but not on myself. Maybe I should sometime. I just forget to upload them!
The nicknames drive me crazy on blogs. But, vloggin I wouldn't be opposed to.
Hi Dorsey...Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. Just wanted to let you know that you are all linked up!
No vlogging here. It would be filled with "Um" "like..." and "uhhh" all of my favorite words to overuse and annoy people. I'll keep my lack of verbal skills to myself and spare all of you. :)
BOO!!!! Come check out my blog to see what to do! :)
You've been bloggy-booed...because I think you are sniffty...
Just grab the pumpkin picture from my side bar...and bloggy boo your friends...
share the love...
I think its cool! Would not mind trying it out! You go girl!!
I actually have thought about that: but the only way to come off as 'natural would be to totally ad-lib. You couldn't "read" a post. But to just ramble naturally could be really cool...
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