So what if there's also Triple Sec and Champagne mixed in, the fact that there's OJ means I can have it for breakfast, right?!?! Surely my gal over at the Daily Blonde will agree with me. HA! I'm having a drink for Bud! All I can say is last night was a looooong night!! Actually I think it might still be last night for me.
Yesterday I didn't feel that well, so I spent a lot of the day sleeping, which of course threw my internal clock WAY WAY off!! I got NO cleaning done and just survived by grabbing hubby's flannel PJ pants and long-john cotton shirt. Soooo cozy!! Then I slipped on my new socks too, cause they keep my feet warm. And everyone knows that if your feet are warm the rest of you is warm. Why else can we simply stick our foot out from under the covers to cool off when we feel we'll sweat to under the covers otherwise. Ahhh feet...the great temperature equalizer. hehe
I went upstairs a few minutes ago to make sure my kids were awake. The boy wasn't, the girl was. However, dear daughter informs me she thinks she has chicken pox. But they looked NOTHING like this to me:They just looked like mosquito bites. (Yes, that another of the giant microbes...tee hee hee) I told her to head to the school nurse when she got to school and if they said a pox has been visited upon our home, then I'll go pick her up and bring her home. (Crossing my fingers...I HOPE ITS JUST MOSQUITOS!! I reeeaalllly need to shop for my super sexy outfit today!!)
And I want to let Danielle know that I've decided to re-type my Drink Recipe book, so it could be a couple days...its SEVERAL pages. I didn't realize until I started scanning that some of the pages are smeared. I think I'll laminate them ALL this time. But I WILL get it out there! And once I'm done she'll never drink the same again! hehehe But it'll still be a pdf, so if you don't have the Adobe Reader downloaded, get over there and do it now so you're ready to make your grocery [liquor] list when you get my book!!
Yeah, I haven't slept I think I might power nap after I finish my Mimosas and before I need to get ready to meet my friend for shopping and lunch. Sorry if this seemed horribly random, hey it happens to the best of us! HA! Wish me luck, I gotta find some f*ck me shoes today! Oooo....there's that floaty-sleep deprived-champagne-buzz I love so much when I can't sleep! Maybe I should have had some of these last night. Hmmm?
La cause principale d’un mauvais sommeil chez les femmes
10 months ago
haha I love the chicken pox microbe. At least it's not as disgusting as the others. My daughter woke up with her eye almost swollen shut from a bugbite the other day! Nasty things.
I do agree with the OJ comment. OJ is matter what you spike it with!!
Chicken POX? Say it isn't so!!
My little one just came home early from school...puking all the way. UGH. Now laying in bed and I have to get something together for date night tomorrow night (I was hoping to shop today...guess not!). We only get 3 nights a month without children so we take advantage. I'm pretty sure he throwing up will stop when she remembers we have a haunted hay ride to go on tonite..perhaps it was the CANDY the teacher gave her in class today. Was there a reason to start Halloween at 9am today??
ope you get some sleep soon.....I'm not counting on getting it ever.
Oj and vodka are much better together! lol not that i would know that or anything! haha
OMG you crack me up!
Yes, you can drink it for breakfast if there is OJ in it. Mimosas are a breakfast drink... so I don't see why that isn't!
Feel better.
Let's hope that CP stays away from your home!
not fun!
I love mimosas!!
Hope your daughter doesn't have chicken pox! AYE!
Yes, anything with OJ in it warrents you to drink it for breakfast.
Have fun!
if it's on the food pyramid, then go for it. if it's not then sharpee it in. whatever works...
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