Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pink hats

This past week I joined a new group! A friend of mine asked me if I'd like to come over to her house for some fun and friendship. I jumped at the opportunity (as getting out of the house and being more social has kinda been a thing of mine these days) and headed over. I soon found out this was no ordinary group. These were some WONDERFUL gals!! The group is called "Disorganized Divas" and actually a chapter of the Red Hat Society!

For those who might have heard of the Red Hats but don't know anything about them, I'll let you know a little something. From my understanding its a social group of ladies. The ladies over 50 wear royal purple and red hats. Anyone joining who is younger than 50 wears lavender and a pink hat. So that makes me a Pink Hat. They get together for meals, shopping, vacations, and just to be together. So far they have been LOADS of fun!! I went over to our Queen's house for pizza, companionship, and karaoke that first night. Then yesterday I met with some of the ladies from our group and another group for lunch downtown.

We laughed SO much and had a fabulous time!! They gave me a little ribbing for ordering a salad at lunch, but ah well...all in good fun.

The Red Hats are a worldwide organization and such a great group of women! If you have the opportunity I would suggest finding one for yourself in your area. I can say with all confidence that I believe I've made some life long friends (and possibly even a workout buddy! Yay!!).


Christine said...

How cool is that? Adorable picture .... have fun! From what I hear they are wild and crazy gals!!!

Dorsey said...

Then I should fit right in, Christine! hehe

Unknown said...

GREAT group to be included in! David's Grandma was a Red Hat! She LOVED it! Great pic btw!!! ;-)

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