Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A small glimpse...

So yesterday I felt ICK!! I drank a cup of Theraflu last night and went to bed early. This morning I couldn't find any Dayquil, so I had a dose of Nyquil. Did you know that it says for adults to take 2 TBSP every 6 hours? Seems excessive to me, but who am I to judge? This will be a short post, as in my current medicated state I seem to lose my train of thought FAST! But before I go I wanted to share with you what Nyquil did to my mind...

I had to take some movies back to Blockbuster this morning so I got out of bed, after waking from a GREAT Nyquil nap, and proceeded to get dressed. I grabbed a Dallas Fire and Rescue cap for my hair, put it on, without looking in a mirror and headed for the door. I found my keys and just before putting my hand on the front door to leave my boob itched. So I itched it. At that point I discovered that the only "clothes" I had on were my slip on shoes, comfy panties, and my hat. Yep, had it NOT been for that itch, I would have stepped out my front door for all the world to see my in all my glory. Ugh! Maybe I'll just go back to bed. Now where did I put that Nyquil? Hasn't it been 6 hours?


Dawn said...

Okay, that's hilarious!! LOL!

I'm sorry you still aren't feeling better. Hopefully by morning you'll be back to your ornery self! =)

Missy said...

Did you take any pics? That would have made the post! And probably your local papers! Feel better!

America's Next Top Mommy said...

I totally feel your pain but I'm laughing out loud over here. That would have been hysterical but for your sake, I'm glad you have itchy boobs :-)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Thank god for itches!!

Mamalaina said...

Oh, that totally made my morning! I almost spit coffee on my computer!
Perhaps they should change the warning on the back of the bottle from Don't operate machinery to Don't get out of bed! hee hee hee!

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