Monday, May 4, 2009

Mark all as read...

Its hard to do that, honestly. I feel like I'm letting down my followers as well as the people that I follow. But its been a LONG two weeks and I just don't think I could catch up to 502 new blog posts.

My sister and I have almost gotten my parents completely moved out of their house and into her home. MY mother is NOT doing well with the transition though. She is lamenting over the fact that they are now "homeless", which is something they could not say about themselves for quite some time. But the way I feel about it is that it could be a LOT worse. At least they have kids they can lean on in this time of their lives. Neither my sister nor I are destitute, and we have room for them in our respective homes for as long as they need the roof.

I've been doing well with my weight loss, staying on track for the most part. I haven't seen any huge drops in numbers, but I just need to recommit to working out to get that happening. The hubby wanted me to get him up this morning at 6am so he could start running again. Alas, I got up at 7:15 to get the munchkins out of bed and then came down to check email, put money in my daughter's lunch account, and dear hubby lays next to me still, softly snoring. Maybe tomorrow morning will work out better. *wink*

This weekend I'll be going camping!! Yay me!!! Well, actually yay family!!! Every year, for as long as I can remember, my mother's family meets at Lake Somerville (a lake near Bryan-College Station, TX) and camps for 3-4 days for Mother's Day weekend. The time is spent playing in the water, having adult beverages, laughing and telling stories, and just enjoying the time together. For the past several years we have had a large float that is anchored a little ways off shore for all the adults to lay on for the majority of the day (usually Saturday) and drink and laugh upon. Most everyone gets there Friday night or Saturday morning and leaves Sunday afternoon. Saturday nights we pool our foods and barbecue at one person's site. Sunday morning the guys usually make breakfast (with again pooled ingredients) and serve all the mommies. It is wonderfully relaxing and something I look forward to every year!! I'll be sure to bring back plenty of pictures this year to share with everyone!

Well, I'm off to start my Monday with a bit of exercise. I think I might even make some breakfast for the hubby and I. Be well friends and I'll try not to get so far behind now that things are calming down a bit.

FYI, I STILL have my "trench" and the tree is almost dead.


Unknown said...

I love Lake is near my hometown of La Grange where I grew up. We spent a lot of time drinking by the shores. Hope you have an awesome Mother's Day

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I have never been camping in my life!!!

Strange. . . isn't it????

Eddo said...

I've been dieting too lately. Last week I lost 5 pounds by Friday. That was from eating mostly veggies and fruit and doing an hour of ellyptical training a day plus a few weights. Things were going great until the weekend when I had a party and a wedding to go to... this morning I got on the scale and it said the 5 pounds came back. I was livid. I mean, two meals could not have made me gain all the weight back - I mean, I was practically starving myself in an attempt to look like Wolverine.

Anywho, I'm upping my workout regime to two workouts a day. Morning and night. We'll see how well it works and how long it lasts.

Best of luck to you... keep us posted!

Susan said...

Keeping up with all the blog posts is impossible! I totally hear you when you say you feel like you let your readers down - I feel the same way... and I'm heading back to work full time next week, so god knows when I'll be able to keep up to tabs with it all!

Most importantly, good luck with all the all takes time and those changes are so hard on our parents.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Not to worry about keeping up. No one can, and if they do, they mustn't be doing much else.

Yay for camping!! Love it! We're going in July/August. Can't wait.

The Stiletto Mom said...

I just looked? And I have 846 unread...sheesh.

You are such a good daughter, your parents are lucky to have you and your sister even if it doesn't feel so great of a move for them now. Enjoy your camping trip and happy Mother's Day friend!

N2ATIVEONE said...

Hey girl, long time no talk to! I am back from my much needed break and LOVE the new look on your site! Very cool.

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