This past week (8 March - 15 March) was spent with this view outside of the master bedroom (most days). It was HEAVENLY!!We went to Pensacola, Florida to visit my son for Spring Break. We chose to stay in a condo at Perdido Key, FL (just about 20 minutes away from N.A.S. Pensacola. A few mornings I went for early walks on the beach. I couldn't think of a better place to walk. It was so much more calming and enjoyable than walking in my suburban neighborhood. Looking out over the waters and feeling the sand between my toes just seemed to quiet my worries. The cool water brushing against my feet and ankles washed away my stresses. I didn't listen to any music as I strolled, the only melody I needed was that of the waves hitting the beach. My first morning out I looked towards the rising sun and saw dolphins swimming in the waves. I nearly squealed with delight! Ha!
During our visit we also went to Mobile, Alabama and visited Battleship Park. Here we did some sightseeing and saw/explored the USS Alabama (battleship), several aircraft, and the USS Drum (submarine). I thinkthe boys got the most out of this particular trip. It was very interesting and my dear daughter and I also enjoyed touring around, but Hubby and my darling son were fascinated at every turn. Another sightseeing trip was to the Naval Air Station itself. We went there two days, actually. The first day we (Hubby, daughter, and myself) went with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew. My son was in class during the day, so we couldn't get together with him until later that afternoon. We visited the Pensacola Lighthouse, the National Naval Aviation Museum, Fort Barrancas (and the Redoubt located nearby).We drove to the Lighthouse, and then over to the Museum. While we were at the museum, we got the text from my son that he was ready to go. So we picked him up, and then went out to eat. After that, we came back to base and visited the Redoubt. It was closed, but we walked around and checked it all out. Then we discovered a trail (~1/2 mile) that led to Fort Barrancas. The fort was also closed, but we looked around anyway and enjoyed the minor hike. Granted, on the return trip to the Redoubt, I was considerably slower and got rather winded; but I was proud of myself for conquering it anyway. I remember remarking once that I'd BETTER lose weight after all that walking. Ha!
We went back to the museum and fort on Saturday (when both were open) with my son, but time didn't allow for the hike, as it had before. I feel like I ate pretty well throughout the week. The exercising was much easier given the surroundings of the beach. The loose sand was difficult to walk in, and turned out to be quiet the increased workout. It seemed to feel as though I was always walking up hill, given the resistance of the sand. I can now much greater appreciate how my son is always exhausted after morning PT on the beach.
I had weighed before we left, and was definitely less than satisfied with the numbers looking back at me. I didn't bring a scale along with me, and honestly didn't even think much about the subject at all. I just tried to keep a positive attitude and when I felt "snacky" I attempted to busy myself with some other activity besides eating.This afternoon, after finally conquering a 3-day headache, I timidly stepped on the scale. I lost 7.5 lbs!! Yay!!! I am going to do my best to continue to make smarter choices and strive for a healthier life overall.
ya! Like I said, "I am surprised you went home."
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