So first let me start off by saying I apologize for my rant last night. It was a truly tear-filled evening. I went to bed and Hubby and I talked for about an hour about several things (money, habits, love, relationships, weight loss). I DO believe that I've had a few breakthroughs in the past 24 hours.
Hubby has agreed to go for walks with me in the mornings. I think this will really help, as so many times I've felt like I'm all alone in my efforts. No one else really enjoys exercising in this house and all too often no one is available on any kind of regular basis at night to do so.
I also went into our game closet in the gameroom and got out our Dance Dance Revolution pad. I turned on the Wii, got everything hooked up and started the game. I did this for about 30 minutes (I've never played at home and I found it to be a REALLY extensive workout, for sure!) and then the family joined me. We all played a couple of songs and then decided to go to the neighborhood pool. We stayed there for about an hour or so. Did I mention we walked there? (Its about 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile) We came back home (walking again) and then had dinner.
After dinner was over I went upstairs and got a board game for the family to play. We played a game called Cashflow, its a game developed by a motivational speaker of sorts. It teaches about passive income, investments, bills, and many other financial aspects. We had a nice time and I think the kids might have even learned a thing or two in the process.
After the game everyone went their separate ways and I decided to play some more Dance Dance Revolution. So I put in about another 30 minutes or so and worked up as good sweat. ALL good exercise for today!!
I ate pretty well today, and chose water to drink all except for breakfast when I had a small glass of milk. I've decided to switch from full-sized dinner plates to a smaller plate. This was I'll be able to better control my portions and not feel compelled to fill the whole plate ad then devour everything therein. If I head out to eat, either with the family or with friends, I'll ask for a to-go box right away so that I can divide my plate in half before I even begin eating.
I am happy to report that even though our vacation got somewhat canceled, the kids took it well (Hubby told them) and we're going to work on budgeting and being a healthier family this week. We are planning a trip to the farm house later in the week to drop off the camper. And then at the end of the week we're going to my sister's home to get some furniture that belongs to my parents for our house here.
So I'll say goodnight for now my friends. Thank you so listening.
La cause principale d’un mauvais sommeil chez les femmes
11 months ago